Saturday, January 21, 2012

Storage tip: Chinese food containers

A quick tip, take away containers flipped over make great storage stackers for minis. I blue tac the figures to a bit of stiff card.


  1. I would need a lot of take-out for my collection. :-)

  2. Hmmm. Apparently, the Chinese food places in Australia have much better packaging options than the ones here in the States. I've never gotten Chinese food from anywhere that didn't give it to me in those upside-down trapezoidal paper boxes. Those greasy paper ones would make poor miniature storage bins for a number of reasons. . . I do like the night horrors though. You've been holding out on us, Dave. . . :)

    1. Oh I love those card cartons you get in the states! Much nicer than these to eat from.
      The plastic ones I get from a dollar store, making it easy to stack and shuffle what I am working on.

      I love night horrors! Was planning on doing a few episodes once I had a few more specifically on them! I dislike the whole vampire counts concept- I prefer my undead without hierarchy- springing up only in dark corners of the world. Vampires commanding banshees and Wraiths? Uhg.
      Still, great new models from GW.

  3. LOL, isn't funny how we look at things? One of the great treats of my first visit to the States many years ago was getting Chinese food in the little cardboard boxes !.

    1. Yeah- I think I saw it first on lost boys... Maggots Michael, your eating maggots- how do they taste?

  4. Great idea, chinese take-away this evening it is then :)
