Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Gives good head

Got a lot of sculpting done tonight and prepped armatures for the three ass cannon crew, their six heads and the base body for the Cenboars.  I went with first wave Kev Adam's Ravenin Hordes era boar bodies (I am also sculpting a boar for a client based on citadel's fiend factory one, so that's weird.  Boars everywhere!).
The cenbor base boar body will go off to be moulded and once the masters are back, variants and the upper bodies will be made.  So I get a war boar mount as an extra model for sale!

Ass cannon head number one.  Based on the original, but with a little more strain on his face and a ball in its mouth.  He gets ears next then once the cannon collar is made it is finished.

Ass cannon head number 2.  'Fen cyclops'.  It is having trouble firing, so is biting down on it's lip.  I know, I know... You want some fen cyclopses.  Noooope.

I think perhaps an ogre-like head with an underbite and fangs may be in order for orcish teams.

Whilst all that was drying I also rolled put some sheeting yo cut the Juggernaut test panels.

Lots to do.  Lots to do.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ass Cannon

Well people, I spent the night sculpting a Chaos Demonic Ass Cannon.

I figure if my computers are down, at least I can kickstart some capital by catching up on my Oldhammer miniatures.

The length of the model is three inches along the wooden base (top right).  I had to guess based on the bases of the crew pictured along side it.  Still, that is a satisfyingly heavy chunk of lead to mail. I don't have the set up for quality resin at the moment.  Plus resin is often poo poo.

My version has seperate heads, allowing you to field several cannons with different looks and poses.  The two corks show the cores for two of the heads.  The barrel core is also shown- the cannon will be wider than this after the greenstuff is layered on.

My verson has more details and sharper sculpting than the inspiration.  The neck will have a collar so the head ball sockets into.  I may add some chains and other details.

Following this is Dwerg Cenboars, a metal Jugganaut kit and finally masher / dicer machines.

If this helps get me in the black, Dwerg crossbows/guns and McNastybeestie heroes and highlanders /sassanorks.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bomb squig amidst a war zone

Well life has been a bit of a nightmare since last post.  Among a sea of troubles are features such as every single computer I own dying, my backup drive being dropped and my job vapourising a week before my son was born.  It isn't easy to be a freelance digital artist with no computers and no money left to repair them.

That means Skulldred is trapped in there too.

It has been... Interesting times.

Still, a friend has a blood bowl tourney coming up and needed a bomb squig.  I managed to get him done in a few gaps in the shitstorm that is my life.