Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cancon excitement

Oooh... saturday is Cancon day (formerly Australia day).  Time to blow my savings at the second hand stall again!

I vowed last year to have assembled and painted all my cancon purchases from previous years ready for this year.  Result?

Nope. Not even close!


Anyhoo, next year will be Skulldred demo table year.  Hopefully I will be too busy to buy too much!

Okay peeps... your worst convention blow out?  Comments below!


  1. Hello Dave,
    Hopefully see you there on Saturday? I'll be at the Eureka stand at 11 (should have spent all my dosh by then...)

  2. Awww... missed you! But caught Christian and Painting Princess (hello).
    Cannot make tomorrow- :(
