Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Not dead. Just ill!

Hey mini fanciers,
  No I am not dead- I just have been a teensy bit ill this past few months.  Nothing life threatening but very, very exhausting.   I wont go into the details as the only illness this blog is about is lead addiction!  Plus a little mystery makes one interesting.   :)

So I am recovering as we speak... so to speak.  The good news is my mini mojo is coming back and I will be back behind the brush shortly.

In the meantime here are a few shitty pictures from my smartphone.  All are works in progress.  Enjoy!


  1. Glad to see you back Dave!
    The 2 first pictures are really excellent but I have to confess the last one got me jumping on my chair

  2. Hope you recover fully and quickly.

    As for your WIP - better than my best :-(

  3. Welcome back Dave. That is one sweet chaos warrior in the last pic. Lovely yellows.

  4. Glad to have you back, I'll look forward to seeing those all finished :froth:

  5. Welcome back Dave, hope you're feeling better. Love that chaos warrior.

  6. Nice to see you back! What's the brand and code (or description) of the last one?
    Best Regards,

  7. Great to see you back! Be sure to keep with the hobby-ing. It's good for the body AND the soul.

    1. Exactly, apart from lead poisoning, chloroxylenol or acetone intoxication, the wounds from blades, saws or drills, eye injuries because of paint/white spirit drops or sand and glass fragments, spending more time with your blog(s) and forums than with the wife and kids, spending more money you can afford,etc...
      Apart from all that, it is a benefit for both mind and body, just take Marvin Gaye's song and replace "sexual" by "hobbying"
      Treat yourself right Dave, you deserve it, and if you dare die on our hands , we'll cast "resurect" on you

  8. Great to be buffed by my party whilst my hit points are low!
    You guys and girls rock.

  9. Welcome back Dave - its all looking very Blanchey in that last shot!

  10. Thanks. Just got hit with flu just as I was getting better!
