Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Late night with insomnia. Allergies suck.
Decided to paint something for an hour whilst waiting for next sleep wave to hit. So did this...

A quick tint job. The mini was grey shaded a while back, and as I dont collect elves much, has sat on my desk for a bit. So his undershading was- a badab black wash or two over tamiya primer, followed by light grey dry-brush

The tints where made using small amounts of Liquitex color, thinned with water and made greasy with Jo Sonjas Magic Mix Medium- which is a matte medium, retarder and flow aid mix which really is magic straight out of the bottle.

I had a cool blue green, a yellow green, a blue-purple shadow tone, a violent pink/magenta, white and ultra deep pthalo blue on the wet palette.
The black came from ink, which I find beats black acrylics for depth and contrast and wicks into the crevices making edges a breeze.

To do the straps I did three layers of burnt umber glaze, focusing toward the middle so the edges looked worn or highlighted.
The magic mix keeps the paint open for long enough to pick up a second tiny and work it in. Handy stuff. I think I will enjoy using it.

I used blue and yellow to get the warm/dark lighting- this is directly inspired by Larry Elmores painting style.

I am going to push that further next session, but for a speed paint I am happy!
Heres an Elmore for you to see his purple/yellow balancing.

Aaaaanyway, see you next session... Sleep... Wave.... Coming......



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