
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Undead wave 2

I love Mantic stuff for the most part, and the Undead are great funx. This is all from a single sprue of Skellys.  More characterful faces for sure; very Sam Raimi.

This batch is fronted by Isabella Von Carstein. A great sculpt.  Sadly, she is finecast.  I wouldn't have purchased it for myself, but I won't look this xmas vampire horse in the mouth whilst flogging it.  Hey, can I get some more mixed metaphors over here please?

All together now!

It's gonna be interesting to see if the paint job ties them all together like The Dude's rug.

It's nice getting back into the hobby.  I don't quite have all the tools and lighting I need to do it properly but I am muddling through.


  1. Nice little mixed group. If you want more variety, the "new" GW start collecting box is a nice buy. It's got five horsemen and ten skeletons, as well as a big skeleton undead monster... thing. The newer skeletons are a bit more detailed than the old ones. Size wise they are equal. You also get a lot of extra heads (for those headless bodies you had).

    Pricewise the box costs marginally more than the big undead monster on it's own, essentially giving you the skeletons and horsemen free. (OF course, if you don't want the monster it's no good.)

  2. They look pretty cool even without paint!

    1. Yeah, good figures. It's gonna be a blast painting them. Can't wait until my paints arrive!

  3. Replies
    1. 25mm Renedra bases, I moved down in base sizes for a couple of reasons- firstly storage space, secondly price, thirdly I can Renedra 25 locally, and eleventy, I bought a few hundred of the buggers for Darkling a few years back so I already have a buttload.

  4. Love the extra length of "tree" added to the breast plate on the far right. Will give Issie something to hang her coat on when they all get back home to the mausoleum.


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