
Thursday, January 22, 2015

CANCON thoughts and Spring clean time

Well, I kick off work on a MMOG project next week, so I will be back on the PC and probably away from my painting desk for a bit.  As a warm up, I popped open photoshop and spring cleaned the site up a tad.

Mmmm. Shiney newness (in a retro way).

So my thoughts turn to CANCON 2014, which is bearing down upon us.  I got a question about if Darkling Games will be selling there, and the answer is sadly no.  I have just been too sick this year to arrange enough stock, book a table and get merch printed.  As a counter balance to that, I will be doing a sale soon to clear old stock ready for new stuff!

If you are planning to be there, you can probably find me hanging around the Eureka or Reaper miniatures stall on the Saturday.  Keep your eyes peeled for a shifty lookin' woman bearing this fringe.  (I won't be dressed in a medieval outfit, or a deathmetal/pokemon t-shirt if that helps round it down).  Come up and say hi!

She shifty lookin'

I was toying with the idea of sculpting my blogs avatar, with swappable heads (helmet and bob haircut) and a paintbrush or axe option.  I will vary it a bit more so not to infringe on John Blanches work, keeping it to the homage it is (plus make it work in a mould).  Kinda like Matakishi has his adorable little cat (which I have two of).  Comment below if you would like to see that happen!

Jeesh, ego much?
So looking forward to seeing some of you at The Con!


  1. You sell me That model... And an arse cannon... Please ma'am

    1. Does an assless man with an ass cannon become just a man?

    2. Nah it takes a life to become one... that'd make a super happy person for sure though !

  2. Looking forward to the petards and bazookas as well. I need some much needed ranged support for my chaos army. ;)

    1. Building a new petard with spider claw legs and a ball socket mount.

  3. Yep, I'd buy it. And bury it in spell toads.

    1. I want a photo of that :)
      I have bags of toads here... Bags and bags ;).


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