
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Blanchitsu is good for you

My Blanchitsu Warband is now a gruesome twosome!  

Yeah, need to get that inquisitor scenery sorted at some point.

Parts used:  Island of bunnies Rat Ogre, Genestealer, Ork, Beastman and a spess mererhn.

I shall call him 'Ard Cheeze.

I have several of his clan underway, and now that I have found my guardsmen boxed set I can do a few more Rat mutants ala Mr Blanche!

Comments below or... Alternatively written in the back of money and posted to me.


  1. An intimidating army of two, for now! Great job!

  2. its quite disturbing how well the ratogre head fits the ork nob body...

    1. Yep, I agree. I used Johns 'build from the feet up' method, so started with the body and just raided the bitz box. The head fit so well I was stunned.

  3. For comments I would have gone for 'written in felt-tip on oop miniatures'. In my case preference on squigs, snotlings and goblins.

    I like the chunky blood soup bases.

    1. 'written in felt-tip on oop miniatures'
      awesome plan!

  4. The wonders of bitz, green stuff and warped imaginations. Would like to see a mordhiem warband by you.

  5. Those bases are extremely disturbing. I can't unsee them in my head. Yikes- like rats wading in blood.


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