
Thursday, September 25, 2014

That article...

John Blanche explained his modern painting style in what I suspect was a 2009 issue, possibly december.  It was plugging skaven and crimson fists, if that helps.  348-360ish.
I don't know because I removed it from the dross and put it in a scrapbook.  Jervis Johnson was replaced with JB for standard  bearer.  Here is a snapshot of what your looking for.

It is actually disappointingly vague and basic.  I pretty much summarised it last issue.  Base coat everything.  Sepia/mud mix, mud recesses then blend or drybrush up.  Fine subtle white drybrush and never use a metal higher than chain mail.  Be grimy, weather stuff and buy lots of games workshop stuff.



  1. Ah, that's too bad. Thanks anyway, though!

    Perhaps this leaves an opening for a tutorial of your own, eh?

  2. Ah... You're right... That's a little disappointing... But thank you for trying to find out and tell us.

    And vague as the technique was written... You really owned it!!!

    That miniature is just pure awesome :)

  3. I searched around for a bit and I managed to find out which issue it was and procure a copy on ebay. It is indeed from December 2009, issue 359 US/360 UK, has a picture of Empire Handgunners on the cover art.

    1. Oh, bravo! Somebody give this one a bag of candy!

  4. I have a ton of old issues from the late 80's (I grew up in N Ireland) and still refer to those gorgeous old articles by Blanch. Dave Andrews still inspires the hell out of me.

    1. Oh that Dave Andrew Eavy metal was brilliant! I am doing my two headed troll exactly like his!


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